Working remotely comes with significant advantages and disadvantages. And what works for one team or one individual won’t necessarily work for the next. But as technology continues to advance and the globe only grows more connected, it’s clear that remote working is playing a crucial role in business, especially in IT world where it becomes […]
Last Friday I was pleased to be one of the speakers during the 34th “FuckUp Night Trójmiasto”. This was the first time, when I took part in such an event and I must admit that at the beginning I was bit scared if I would be able to talk so openly about my failures. First […]
Dear Job seekers! I would like to convince you a little bit why choosing a HR agency is a good idea. Job search may be a very time-consuming, and frustrating task. Suppose you are looking for the first job, want to return to professional activity after a longer break or have decided to change the […]
I was very impressed by the power of Sisu when I heard about it for the first time. It was a few years ago during my frequent business trips to Finland. Once I had a pleasure to participate in the speech done by one of the Sisu promoter – Emilia Lahti. She spoke about the […]
Nowadays, Scandinavia has become a lifestyle for many. We are familiar with Swedish lagom and Danish hygge, we shop at Ikea and decorate our apartments in the Scandinavian way, we even started to organize fika during our work hours. We somehow became majorly influenced by this Swedish way of living. But do we really understand […]
In everyday work where we are looking for programmers on a large scale and we meet with a minority of women in this industry. Visibly, the IT market is still dominated by men who, according to Eurostat data, accounted for about 84% of its employees last year (in Poland this percentage exceeds 86%).* Situations […]
Flexible working hours, in the opinion of the majority, a great solution that has many benefits. The most important benefits are: Commitment and efficiency of employees Reducing the number of delays and absences Companies become more friendly and understanding and may attract more candidates More space in the office The possibility of settling private issues […]
Management in accordance with the idea of teal (turquoise) organizations by Frederic Laloux, may seem to be a utopian vision. Nothing more wrong. The structure of the organization, which assumes the lack of internal hierarchy and the motivational system, is becoming more and more intriguing. Teal Organizations are based on three pillars: self-management, striving for […]